Dan Martin: Founder & CEO
Dan has a background in Physics and Engineering, BS 1974 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, with part of undergraduate education at Swiss Federal institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).

He also spent a total of three years at the Swiss AO Davos Research Institute, addressing problems of fixation hardware-bone mechanical interfaces. After Temple Medical School (’79) and UCSF Orthopedic Residency (’84), AO Trauma Fellowship (’86), he practiced othopedic trauma, sports, and general orthopedics, developing new implants for compression IM nailing, proximal humerus fractures, and treatment of massive rotator cuff tears.

Current Syntorr products draw upon this extensive experience with unsolved clinical problems and biomechanics laboratory background, and progressive clinical testing of concepts. Dan’s background merges engineering and clinical experience.

Freephone: +1 650 485 3499

E-mail: dan@syntorr.com

